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Philips InnerCool RTx

System do wewnątrznaczyniowego schładzania i ogrzewania pacjenta


Philips InnerCool Advanced Temperature Modulation Therapy
The practice of modulating the body's temperature to improve patient outcomes has been used in limited settings, such as during neurosurgery and cardiac surgery, dating back to the 1950's.
While commonly referred to as "therapeutic hypothermia" or "cooling," Temperature Modulation Therapy (TMT) more broadly encompasses inducing, maintaining, and reversing hypothermia, as well as maintaining normal body temperature or normothermia. Clinical research and technological developments are expanding the
potential applications in which this innovative approach can help improve outcomes.

Commitment to scientific innovation Philips commitment to developing science-driven temperature modulation therapy solutions has resulted in several unique advances, including:
• Fastest cooling rates in the industry using dynamic
temperature modulation (defined as a change in
temperature of ≥4°C/hr) for rapid cooling
• Precise temperature control with the only catheter
featuring an integrated temperature sensor
• Cooling non-paralyzed patients who are either awake
or unconscious
• Rapid cooling of patients with high BMI (>30kg/m2)
who often are considered "difficult-to-cool"

Cooling non-paralyzed patients As a matter of survival, our physiology resists being cooled. Shivering, the body's natural defense to cooling, produces more body heat. Shivering also increases overall metabolic activity, dramatically increasing oxygen demand and consumption. This can have deleterious effects for patients who have suffered a global ischemic event. Overcoming this increase in metabolic heat is a daunting task which, for most cooling systems, requires that the physician paralyze the patient to eliminate shivering. Even then, time to target temperature is, at best, a few hours. The challenge is to quickly get below the shivering threshold, where diminished shivering results in less resistance to cooling therapy and fewer complications. This unique approach to therapeutic hypothermia rapidly achieves maximum cooling for neuroprotection and is comfortable for the patient, while avoiding risks inherent with paralytic agents such as masking seizures or masking inadequate levels of sedation. The InnerCool RTx extracts heat at a very fast rate, rapidly cooling patients and reducing the time period and amount of pharmacological agents that are required to eliminate shivering. The rapid cooling power of the InnerCool RTx enables clinicians to cool awake, non- paralyzed patients.
Philips InnerCool RTx Endovascular System The Philips InnerCool RTx Endovascular System for cooling and warming provides advanced whole body temperature modulation therapy in a closed-loop system from the inside out. Dynamically modulates temperature (defined as ≥4°C/hr) for rapid cooling, with the option of gradual warming.
Fastest cooling and warming rates in the industry
• Average cooling rates of 4.0 – 5.0°C/hr5
• Average warming rates of 2.0 – 3.0°C/hr5
• Gradual warming of 0.1 – 1.2°C/hr
Cools non-paralyzed patients who are either awake or unconscious. Effectively cools across the full spectrum of patients, including those with high body mass index (BMI) (>30kg/m2 ), who often are considered difficult to cool. Easy insertion and removal of the proprietary cassette, which enables effective heat exchange via a closed-loop system. The console has an intuitive user interface, and it's compact and easy to move as needed.

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